by Tyler Horsley | Oct 28, 2021 | Blog, Local SEO, SEO
Online reviews have become indispensable sources of information for consumers. In fact, more than 90% of people say online reviews help them make decisions about what products and services to buy and from what businesses. And, when it comes to responses to online...
by Tyler Horsley | Oct 27, 2021 | Blog, SEO
As the world’s go-to source for information, Google is constantly changing and updating its search algorithm to improve the search experience for users. While most of these updates are minor, Google periodically releases larger-scale algorithm changes that can have a...
by Tyler Horsley | Oct 13, 2021 | Blog, Digital Marketing, SEO
Achieving success online is rarely ever simple or easy. No matter what industry you’re in or what product or service you provide, there’s likely to be hundreds or thousands of competitors all vying for the attention of a similar audience on the internet. Getting found...
by Tyler Horsley | Oct 7, 2021 | Blog, PPC, SEO
The terms ‘SEO’ and ‘SEM’ are often used in similar contexts, and they’re both incredibly important when it comes to success in digital marketing. It’s understandable how the two terms can be confusing. After all, the letters ‘SE’ in both of them denote ‘Search...
by Tyler Horsley | Sep 30, 2021 | Blog, SEO
As SEO becomes increasingly complex, measuring success has become more complicated as well. No longer can you simply rely on individual metrics to assess your overall SEO efforts. These days, you need to track numerous different SEO metrics covering everything from...
by Tyler Horsley | Sep 20, 2021 | Blog, Local SEO, SEO
Search engine optimization focuses on improving discoverability and boosting profitable conversions. To maximize these conversions and minimize waste, marketers tailor campaigns to target audiences that are most likely to engage with a product, service or brand. A lot...